
Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya sempat mengistal ulang android saya Sayangnya waktu itu akun coc saya belum saya koneksikan ke akun google+. Sangat berat rasanya jika mengulang game strategi paling populer di iTunes dan Playstore ini. Padahal saya sudah mencapai level XP 62 saat kehilangan akun saya tersebut. Terpaksa dalam beberapa minggu saya membiarkan desa saya menjadi Ghost Village dan menjadi santapan para clashers yang memburu Gold maupun Elixir. Dan akhirnya beberapa hari yang lalu, saya mendapatkan Desa saya kembali. Berikut cara-caranya. 1). Buka Settings 2). Masuk ke in-game setting kembali, pilih Help and Support kemudian klik Villages, Account & Passwords, yang letaknya berada di bawah. 3). Setelah itu, pilih i’ve lost my village! Can I get it back? 4). Setelah itu klik gambar mail Ingat baik-baik, bahwa yang perlu dilakukan adalah mengirim via in-game setting, dengan informasi sebagai berikut: Nama pasti dari desa yang hilang dan nama clan terakhir saat anda kehilangan desa anda. Jika anda tidak memiliki clan saat desa anda hilang, maka informasikan dengan menulis “i did not join any clan when i lost my village“. Level TH dari desa Anda yang hilang. Level CoC Anda Berikut adalah percakapan lengkap saya dengan customer service di ( Dilakukan pada 4 Februari 2015) (1) Gue 04-Feb 2015 13.58 Exact name village : jhoker Town Hall level : 8 XP level : 62 Name of clan : indonesia (2) Gue 05 Feb 2015,19.37 So, how long i must wait for this recovery? I know you got so many tickets everyday and will take so long to respond mine but i believe you can make it quick. Thank you. (3) Supercell 05 Feb 2015, 21.04 Hi Chief, Thanks for contacting us and playing Clash of Clans and I apologize for the delay in responding your email. In these cases we need to make sure that the rightful owner recovers the lost account. To verify this, we will need a receipt of your purchase of gems for this account. If you don’t know where to look for it, check out if you made the order on iOS; if you used Android, head over to In addition to the copy of the receipt, we would like to ask you some questions to confirm that this account is yours and was created by you: . When you start playing this game. · When (mm/yyyy) and where (city & country) did you create it? · How did you lose your village? · What device(s) do you use to play the account? We need all this information to make sure that no one else but the genuine owner of the lost account recovers it. As soon as we get your email we will proceed to examine your information with the data in our systems, and we will get back to you shortly. We know how much our players’ villages mean to them. Thanks for your patience. (4) Gue 05 Feb 2015, 21.11 Thank you for contacting me back. Since i played the game, i never purchasing any gems. But i will give you additional information you need: I start playing the game about July or August 2014 – I create it about 7/2014 or 8/2014 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I’m sorry to forget exactly month i create it. – I lost my village because i have to hard reset my device and i don’t connecting my village to google play. This is my bad. – I play this village in Sony Xperia E Please recover this village to my google account Thank you for your support (5) Supercell 06 Feb 2015, 20.28 Hello jhoker, Thank you for your enquiry. Your help request has been passed on to our specialised support team to ensure that your issue gets the attention that it requires. They will get back to you as soon as they can. Thanks for your patience. (6) Gue 06 Feb 2015, 20.30 Hello Jack, Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. I hope you will get back with some good news about my village. (7) Supercell 07 Feb 2015, 17.07 Hello Chief, I appreciate your efforts and patience to work with us in recovering your village. I have managed to get your “jhoker” back and I will be happy to assist you with the steps to get the same on your device. To retrieve your lost village, please follow the steps below and enter the unlock code. Please notice that using the code will overwrite the village on the device that you use it on. Open Clash of Clans and go to the in-game settings Press ‘Link a device’ > ‘This is the new device’ Enter the following code (no spaces): VANG **** **** You should now be automatically prompted to load up your lost village. Make sure to connect your village to Google+ so you never lose it again! Google+ only supports one village per account, so you will need a different Google+ account for each new village you play on other devices. To connect your village to Google+, open the Google+ app on your device and make sure you are logged in. After this, open Clash of Clans and go to the in-game settings. Press the Google+ Sign-In button to connect your village. Your village progress will then be saved to that Google+ account. (8) Gue 07 Feb 2015, 17.34 Hello, I have launched my Clash of Clans game and do everything you said. Thank you so much to bringing my village back. Viva, Supercell! :) Perlu diingat, jika Anda memainkan akun clash of clans melalui Bluestack atau emulator lain, maka Supercell tidak dapat mengembalikan desa Anda yang hilang. Anda juga tidak dapat mengembalikan desa Anda yang hilang jika Anda menggunakan Blackberry, Nokia X-series, Kindle HD, dan beberapa produk lain yang sistem Androidnya telah dirombak total oleh produsen.dan harap bersabar menunggu balasan dari supercell :v Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

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